NaN Passengers

How long in advance can I book a ticket for a train in Vietnam?

Most routes on Vietnam Railways open 60 to 30 days before departure. Longer routes such as Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City will open closer to 60 days in advance while shorter routes such as Hue to Danang may open closer to 30 days prior to departure. This can vary by the type of seat/berth you wish to book. Private trains are open 60 days in advance.
In the future, we plan to offer advanced reservations to allow you to book before the routes are open and then we will complete the booking for you as soon as they are available but at the moment we are not able to do this.
If you plan on traveling in Vietnam around the Tet holidays which will take place during the last week of January and the first week of February, tickets sales may open as early as the first week of November and we recommend booking as soon as possible.